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Picky Cat Eaters?

Writer: Meghan MaloolyMeghan Malooly

Updated: Oct 5, 2019

Does your sweet little kitty not eat as much as you'd like? Do you free feed with dry food and notice not too much is being eaten? There are many different options to encourage your cat to eat more, below please find some of the foods that have personally helped my kitties.

Tuna Water: We take a basic can of tuna and add water to it. We mix it all up to make the water yummy and full of tuna flavor! Our cats love it! It gives them much needed protein, but i will warn you that it can give some rank breath!

Melted Ice Cream: When my cat first got diagnosed with kidney failure and cardiomyopathy, my mom decided to start giving him some extra dairy every morning. At first, our spoiled little princes favorite was melted ice cream! So melted ice cream he got, until he moved onto the half and half!

Half and Half Cream: Einstein (my cat) decided he no longer wanted ice cream, so it was time to move onto half and half! He loves it! Once he starts eating it, it makes him hungrier for other food!

Wet Food: When we noticed out cats weren't eating as much dry food anymore, we added wet food to their diet. It took a few tries to find the specific brand of food they liked and flavors, but once we did, they loved it!

Unfortunately, as my kitties got older, they both got ill and weren't able to eat as easily. The options I listed might not be the healthiest, but for us, we had no options and just needed them to eat something. Before trying any of the above, please contact your vet and check in with them to see if they might help jump start your cats appetite.



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